A division of the Southeast Resource Development Council
Located at: 300-208 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg MB R3C 1R7
Phone: 204-953-2120
Fax: 204-953-2128
To support the education advancement of eligible members of SERDC in gaining full access to post-secondary institutions and to graduate with the necessary skills and competencies required to purse individual careers, thus contributing to the overall achievement of their self-worth and self-reliance.

Southeast Student Services (S.E.S.S.) provides direct financial assistance, social supports, as well as academic and career counseling for students entering regular High School and Vocational Programs; University/ College Entrance Programs (UCEP) and University / Professional Training Programs (UPT); as well as a variety of clerical and technical programs.
Southeast Student Services also provides funding for students who are registered in out-of-province academic institutions. All programs are funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) with funds distributed among four First Nations of the SERDC region and administered based on qualifications and funds available at the Local Education Committee level.
The vision of the Southeast Student Services, is to establish and support education advancement of members of the Southeast Resource Development Council Corp., in gaining full access to post-secondary institutions and to graduate with the necessary skills and competencies required to pursue individual careers thus, contributing to the overall achievement of their self-worth and self-reliance.
We strive to continually provide the highest standards of professional learning environment to assist them in the fulfillment of their personal goals, desires, and achievements. Our dedication to the well-being of the individuals and the promotion of their fullest potential is our number one priority.
To encourage and support eligible band members at attaining maximum educational opportunities in their respective careers. To assist students to reach their full potential at becoming self-reliant. To ensure all funded students understand all exceptions, obligations and responsibilities during their tenure as students as established by their Local Education Committees, Southeast Student Services, ISC and all associated Post-Secondary Institutions.
Southeast Student Services sincerely feels that there is a strong need for networking and in keeping lines of communication and negotiation, open so that specialized training can result. The challenge today is to maintain positive working relationships with all SERDC First Nations Chiefs & Councils, Local Education Committees, Home and School committees, Home Placement Parents, ISC Administrators, and Post-Secondary personnel, all in the spirit of professional cooperation for the sake of the student –our future leaders.
Southeast Student Services cannot stress enough, the importance of a well-devised strategy that graduates can look forward to at the community / First Nation / and Tribal Council level for permanent placement upon successful completion of their studies. It cannot be emphasized enough that Southeast Graduates need to become employed with the recognition and support of their respective First Nations, even if it means committing themselves to intern in their home communities for a designated time.
- Be a registered member of a First Nation in the Southeast Resource Development Council.
- Present a Letter of Acceptance from an education institution to the Education Counselor.
Application forms can be obtained from your Home School Counselor, from Southeast Student Services or you can download a PDF copy by clicking the following:
1. Application for Education Sponsorship
2. Application Home Placement for Education Assistance
All applications must be submitted to Southeast Student Services 300-208 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1R7
Deadline for all applications is April 30th.
Richard Grisdale, Education Manager/Counselor
Shannon Laforte, Finance Clerk